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Wellness Coach

How are
you showing
up for
right now?




Whether we are fully and consciously aware of the wounds or have them tucked deeply in our subconscious, our body stores the energy around those experiences, and over time that builds up; it weighs us down to the point of exhaustion, even when we aren’t exerting energy physically. 


Taking time to pause, relax, and allow the universally guided Reiki energy to release old stuck, stagnant energy within our bodies, particularly around emotional wounds, helps bring it to the surface for processing and healing. Doing this work for our own healing helps others heal too.

3-Session Pkg
3 x 60 Min / $300
prices in CAD

3-Session Pkg
3 x 60 Min / $400
prices in CAD

 Why a 3-session offering?

Reiki is a subtle process that occurs over time and clients experience the most benefit when receiving Reiki in a series of sessions versus a single session. 



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$125 / 60 Minutes

prices in CAD


$150​ / 60 Minutes

prices in CAD



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Reiki is a subtle and effective form of energetic healing and self-care using guided Universal life force energy that helps with one's overall well-being by stimulating your body’s natural healing abilities.

Whether it is old emotional wounds or simply every day life, emotions both big and small arise in our body and often those energies can stay with us, because we can't always process them in real time or we may resist them altogether. These energies compound over time and can weigh us down, making us feel stuck. Reiki allows a level of unseen-but-felt healing that happens through the body viscerally, versus logically through the mind.

Whether anxiety, depression, buried emotion or even feeling blocked intuitively, Reiki can help to bring energy into balance and strengthen the mind-body connection. Reiki can assist one's transformational journey by helping to release stored stagnant energy of old wounds (we all have them) and/or past trauma. Much of the time we don't even realize we have stored this energy in our physical body, as it happens subconsciously. The old saying "Time heals all wounds" is really not accurate in that time only helps bury our wounds as they sink into our subconscious.  If we avoid the actual healing process or replace it with distraction.  We can only heal our wounds and our passages with grief if we face them and process the feelings around them - this is where the true transformation lies. While we can't un-do the wounds, we can heal them, understand the patterns in our life that have been driven by them, and change our story around them. 

While often considered to be spiritual in nature, Reiki is not affiliated with any particular religion or religious practice, but rather complimentary to one's spiritual practices and any concurrent medical treatments. Reiki is a system of assisting energy movement through the laying on of hands. Though actual physical touch is not required, Reiki is typically performed on the recipient through the hands hovering just slightly over the body. The recipient has the choice regarding physical touch - typically head, shoulders, arm, leg and foot area - according to their comfort level. From a practitioner perspective, Reiki energy asks for conscious intent and consistent practice. Much like exercise the more you practice, the stronger it gets and the more you will flourish.  This translates to receiving reiki energy much in the same way.

While every Reiki experience is unique, many recipients notice a sense of calm, inner peace, relaxation, improved sleep as well as many other benefits after a session. It is a very subtle process that over time becomes more noticeable with regards to its truly transformative nature.


What is Distance Reiki?

Reiki itself  is Universal life force energy - the same that flows through you and me.  Energy is not bound by time or space. The power of Reiki Universal life force energy sent to the recipient is the same whether in-person or from a distance; we don’t even need to use a tech device such as zoom for this to happen although I have found that makes the distance session feel more like an in-person session. I leave that up to the recipient to choose!


Practicing self-care, creative expression  and healing as a group can also help amplify the energy for our collective and individual healing, which feels so needed right now. If you have a group of friends that would like to try this healing energy out together, this is for YOU! Custom group sessions can include Reiki Energy healing, as well as creative expression components like writing and art workshops. Email to inquire about a customized group session.

Weekly Community Group sessions have paused temporarily, but if you have your own group of friends or family that would like to try this healing energy out together, that is also an option!  Send an email to to inquire and arrange for your own private group session.



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INVIBE. Founded in 2015 by Trish Campbell

"what you seek is seeking you"
- Rumi

© 2024 by INVIBE™

Mississauga, Ontario, Canada

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